The audience wants to know that the world they're following has rules. Which, in fairness, is what happens, but the audience wants to be fooled. The audience is left believing that the author can just create whatever scenarios he wants and what happens to the characters is decided by whatever the author wants to happen, regardless of the events that happened in the story. It was pointless tension, pointless drama made just to suck in the viewer. If character B doesn't escape the situation in a believable way that's consistent with previous events, then that emotional investment is gone.

If you have character A who's so much above character B, who's the main character, you're gonna be left wondering how in the hell character B, the character we're supposed to care and root for, is going to escape the situation or overcome the odds. People who care about them (well, people who care about them in a narrative) don't care about the big numbers or the fancy explosions.

Power levels establish tension and drama. wrote:I've explained before, I'll just paraphrase myself. If he wants this taken down, then he may have it so.Doctor. He serves as the main antagonist of the "Future" Trunks Saga of Dragon Ball Super. Goku Black (ゴクウブラック Gokū Burakku), also known as Zamasu (ザマス Zamasu), though usually referred to as Black (ブラック Burakku), is an alternate incarnation of Zamasu and a former North Kai and Supreme Kai apprentice serving his former master Gowasu from the unaltered main timeline within Universe 10. And this mistake is egregious! To shape existence into the beautiful utopia it was always meant to be, the mistake must be corrected! I will purge all mortals from existence.in place of the gods WHO REFUSE TO ADMIT FAILURE!!" The realization that all mortals should be destroyed! The one and only mistake among all divine creations: that is what mortals are. I witness this world, this universe, and the truth of all things.

"I look down on existence from a much higher perspective than you do.