For California consumers: more information about our privacy practices.more information about our privacy practices. I do not want to use Skype, because I can not control any of the camera functions. For any difficulty using this site with a screen reader or because of a disability, please contact us at 1-80 or. I just purchased The Bunker Hill Wireless Security model # 62368 and I am finding impossible to sync it with my Android Phone.Directory Security is the software that can hide your folders containing valuable data from the eyes of strangers.The best thing about it is that it is available free of cost.It has a very friendly user interface.It is protected by password so that no other person could change the settings.It can be useful in keeping in data confidential.Safety information, the system’s specifications, and setup instructions are among the first areas covered. Bunker Hill security camera manuals 61229 Getting to know the Dvr operating instructions will be clearly explained in the manual.We cut out the middleman and pass the savings to you!